Twitter bot

As a law-abiding citizen, I want to legally fightback against being racially profiled and target by a police stop and search.

I want to be able to make an official complaint, contact MP and campaign groups, and promote fight against racial injustice.

I want to be able to do this by:

  1. Tweeting video/link and description of the stop and search and mentioning @FightStopNSearch account to report the incident.
  2. Following and accepting DMs (Direct Messages) from @FightStopNSearch to start an official complaint.
  3. Communicate by DMs (Direct Messages) with @FightStopNSearch to manage the official complaint.
  4. Empowering @FightStopNSearch to use Hashtags and mentions to contact MPs and campaign groups on my behalf.

One way of implementing this would be to write and maintain a ‘Twitter bot’.

For longevity the development could be done by a non-profit voluntary social enterprise governed by a board of trustees.

Direct message (DM) me on Twitter @ezzye or email me at to join or find out more.