Are you interested in making a difference?

The goal is to write an app that uses the social media front-end of sites like Twitter to take direct action to reduce the abuse of police power. To write an app that allows the victims of discrimination to record incidents, make complaints, report to media outlets and get help and support of charities.

On 30th May on Channel 4, there is a TV programme, “The Truth About Stop and Search”.

I am a coder, so I want to take direct action to gain equal human rights using code.

In 2019/20, Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic people were 4.1 times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people, and for Black people, the figure is 8.9. Yet, police forces still can’t adequately explain why they disproportionately target ethnic minorities.

So “if disparity cannot be explained, it must be changed”.

For police officers, the exercise of powers such as stop and search, force, and traffic stops are routine.

For the person the police stops, the experience can be embarrassing, intrusive, traumatic and frightening.

Stop and search is an alternative to arrest and so requires a similar level of suspicion.

It should not be random.

Social media and TV programmes raise awareness of these issues but do not by themselves change institutions. If the have-nots owned the BBC, the media would make a difference, but they don’t.

I propose a software app that would help to make a difference by taking direct action.

Direct message (DM) me on Twitter @ezzye or email me at to join or find out more.