The truth about police stop and search is that the police disproportionately target black and minority ethnicities.

There are TV programmes about it, for example 30th May on Channel 4, “The Truth About Stop and Search”.    

I’ve seen it outside my house, see the videoed incident here  


Respectful and tolerant societies are typically the most harmonious.

Diversity is proven to boost innovation.

Being treated differently or unfairly because of your race, skin colour, or ethnicity can negatively affect your mental health.

And it is unfair and unjust.

So what can we do?

Accept it and live in an intolerant unjust society or make a change.

I want to form an organisation that would help to make a difference by coding an app.

An organisation, codingForJustice, open to all to harness volunteers to develop applications that make a difference.

For example, an app that allows a victim of targeted police “stop and search” to record the incident and, if necessary, make a complaint, get help and support via social media.

Direct message (DM) me on Twitter @ezzye or email me at to join or find out more.